Happy summer, neighbors!
It's time for the Annual Neighborhood Fourth of July Parade!
WHEN: Monday, July 4th Gather at 9:45 a.m. Parade begins at 10:00 a.m.
WHERE: The Parade will line up in the Benton County School of the Arts parking lot off 6th street.
THE ROUTE: The Parade will travel south on 6th to Pine Street; go east on Pine to 4th, north to Cypress, west on Cypress to 6th and north to BCSA.
THE FESTIVITIES: Refreshments and socializing (following the parade)
WHERE: under The Tree at Jim and Nancy Swearingen’s - 412 S. 6th - (directly across the street from the BCSA lot).
Coffee and lemonade will be served; dogs watered and delicious goodies will be consumed. All who would like to contribute to the food table are welcome to do so…in the past, we have enjoyed cinnamon rolls, doughnuts, muffins, cookies, fruit, etc. New neighbors are introduced and guests and relatives are greeted. Recognition of those who have served our country and patriotic songs are always a highlight.
So…dig out your red, white and blue duds; grab a flag, decorate your bike, trike, go-cart, baby stroller, golf cart, lawn mower, spouse or dog, bring your spiffed up pick-up, convertible, Model T, Harley, horse cart, roller blades, or just good old walking shoes. WHATEVER…just come and be a part of a wonderful neighborhood celebration. We’ll be looking for you and your families!!
See photos of last year's 4th of July Parade on The Word on Walnut and watch for an update following this year's event. And, be sure to subscribe (or forward to neighbors) to intermittent downtown resident email updates!
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